Art Glass - From Nature to Awards

Art Glass - From Nature to Awards

Mar 24th 2021

There is a natural beauty in Art Glass.
Not only because glass in the natural world is born when high-silica content sand and rock are heated to extreme temperatures and then cooled rapidly, but even when man made, art glass is formed by this same science. This type of human art creation mimics nature's intense heat and the science is a natural happenstance we have replicated to create beautiful and colorful art formations.

Natural glass is found and collected world-wide.
Nature's Art Glass, such as obsidian and volcanic glass is sought out by collectors around the world, with specific regions being home to different material types. Libyan Desert Glass for instance is a form of glass-like rock created by intense heat and the force of meteors impacting earth millions of years ago.

There is a long history of man-made Art Glass.
Glass was first made by man during the first century, little is known however about those early years. History tells us that glass amulets and solid beads were made in Mesopotamia as far back as 2500BC. Later, glass making was further developed in Egypt around 1500BC. Read more about this fascinating period of glass making here.

Glass is the perfect art medium.
Glass can be shaped and formed in many ways and is able to bend and twist while reflecting light and color in a way only glass can. Although there are many different art glass techniques and art types used by artists, there are only three main categories of Art Glass. These categories refer to the process used in making a glass piece. They are:

    This type of Art Glass is created by heating glass at a temperature of 2000 degrees. The molten glass is used to create works of art such as: sculptures, vases, awards, containers, and other items, using techniques such as glass blowing and glass casting.
    The Warm Art Glass category includes heating glass at the lesser, but still high, temperature of 1200-1600 degrees in an oven or kiln. This category is also known as kiln-formed glass. Plates and tiles are some of the common items created with kiln-formed glass, using techniques such as slumping and fusing.
    This category of Art Glass creation includes any glass art technique that doesn't require the glass to be heated. Common cold glass techniques include polishing, cutting, engraving, grinding, sandblasting, and etching. Some of these techniques are used at Awarding You to personalize many of our Glass Awards, including Art Glass.

Besley Art Glass Egg Award  Candy Stripes Art Glass Award  Paris Grand Art Glass Award - Fire

Art Glass Awards are unique and beautiful.
Even though there are only three main Art Glass categories, there are many different types of Art Glass available for collectors. At Awarding You, we offer customers the opportunity to present Art Glass as awards to deserving individuals. These Art Glass Awards are each unique and beautiful and recipients are proud to receive and to display these awards in their homes and offices, as they stand out as quality art pieces.

Please  let us know if you'd like to learn more about the many Art Glass Awards available at Awarding You, or if you are interested in having a unique Custom Art Glass Award created for a special associate or customer. We are happy to help spread the word about the stunning world of Art Glass!

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