Customer Service Award Ideas and Wording
Taylor Circle Acrylic Award
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Discover Our Most Popular Sponsor and Donor Recognition Awards for Employees.
Sponsors and Donors Provide Extensive Resources to Organizations and Events.
Recognizing these individuals and companies provides a visible acknowledgement of the importance their contributions have made within their organization. Whether the contributions were monetary, in-kind services, products, time, or another type of support, a gift or award will ensure that they know how much you appreciate their support of your organization or event.
For many, an organizations’ contributions are categorized by size, assigning sponsors and donors with contribution levels such as Gold, Silver and Platinum.
Other types of donor or sponsor level designation can be: Sponsor, Supporter, Contributor, Sustainer and Patron; these contribution levels all typically receive special benefits and recognition through awards and award ceremonies. Larger Donors are often categorized into President's Circle, Chairman's Level and the like. In general, the large contributors are given special recognition gifts to convey appreciation of the organization.
Sponsor and Donor Recognition Award Wording Ideas
1. Option for Wording Your Sponsor and Donor Recognition Awards
In Grateful Appreciation
Recipient Name
For Your
Generous Donation
Event or Organization Name
We Could Not Have Done It
Without You!
2. Option for Wording Your Sponsor and Donor Recognition Awards
Recipient Name
For Your Generous Donation
To Organization Name
Your Contributions Have Touched
The Lives of Many
3. Option for Wording Your Sponsor and Donor Recognition Awards
Organization Name
Recipient Name
As a Gold Level Sponsor
For the
____Year Event Name
Your Generosity Is
Humbling and Inspiring.
Thank You for All You Have Done.
4. Option for Wording Your Sponsor and Donor Recognition Awards
Sponsor Recognition
______ Level
Presented to
Recipient Name
In Grateful Appreciation
For Your Generous Contribution
Event Name
More Inspirational & Fun Wording Ideas for Sales Awards
Recipient Name
For Your Generosity
Donor Recognition
Presented to
Recipient Name
Thank you from
the bottom of our hearts.
Your Contributions
To Organization Name
Have Made A Huge
Difference In The
Lives of So Many.
Thank You